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Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Vancouver, WA & Chandler, AZ


Testosterone hormone is prevalent in almost every organ system in the body, and its benefits are widespread and far-reaching. When you have low or suboptimal levels of testosterone, you can begin to experience a range of disruptive and frustrating symptoms. TRT treatment can assist men who have low blood concentrations of testosterone and clinical deficiency symptoms. TRT is a recognized medical treatment, and results can be expected in as little as six weeks.


The clinical term for low T is ‘hypogonadism’, which is diagnosed by when the testes do not produce enough testosterone. There are two kinds of hypogonadism. Firstly, primary hypogonadism occurs when your brain is signaling to produce T, but there is an issue with the gonads producing T. Secondly, central (secondary) hypogonadism occurs when there is an issue with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. TRT ultimately makes up for the T that isn’t being produced by your body.


Many men dismiss emotional, sexual, or physical changes as a sign they’re getting older, but hormone imbalance may be the underlying cause of your symptoms. If you’re experiencing low or suboptimal testosterone levels, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) could be the right treatment to help you feel great and live your best life. At Okojie Wellness, our testosterone experts can help you experience what it feels like to have optimized testosterone levers with TRT. We offer comprehensive blood tests and reviews by a physician to help determine if TRT is right for you.

For personalized medical advice, book an appointment with one of our experienced physicians.

Why Would I Need TRT?

Most people experience low testosterone as they age. Your body naturally produces less of this essential hormone as you get older. In fact, most men's testosterone production decreases by about one to two percent every year once you reach your late 20s or early 30s. A drop in testosterone can result in a low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, trouble sleeping, and even loss of muscle mass and bone density in both men and women.


You may experience some of the following symptoms if you have low T:

  • Physical Changes: Decreased muscle mass, loss of body or facial hair, low energy, increased body fat, swollen or tender breasts, reduced strength.

  • Sexual Changes: Low sex drive, erectile dysfunction.

  • Emotional Changes: Irritability, low confidence, depression, difficulty concentrating, reduced sense of wellbeing, low energy. 

Why Should I Get TRT?


Testosterone therapy offers various benefits for people with low T. It can:

  • Improve sexual function.

  • Reduce emotional symptoms and boost wellbeing.

  • Prevent physical symptoms of low T like fatigue and brain fog.

  • Increase muscle building capacity.

  • Support other hormones that interact with T, including estrogen


To find out if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you, contact us to schedule an appointment. We’ll help you understand your hormones and determine whether TRT is a suitable treatment for your unique situation.

Do I need Estrogen Replacement Therapy?

It is important to know that testosterone does not live in isolation, it must be balanced with other sex hormones, namely estrogen. Many of us have heard stories of men taking testosterone and developing "man boobs". This is likely caused by excess estrogen. 

Testosterone gets converted into estrogen via a process called aromatization. So, if men are taking too much testosterone and not balancing their estrogen, they are more likely to develop high estrogen symptoms. In addition, as men age, the number of testosterone receptors decreases, which causes the testosterone to hang out in the blood instead of getting to target tissues. This further increases the chances for testosterone to get converted into estrogen.

Both testosterone and estrogen are vital for optimal health and wellbeing. A lot of the common symptoms that are associated with elevated testosterone can be caused by high estrogen. So, in addition to testosterone, we provide you with the necessary medication to keep your estrogen levels in a healthy range.

The price for comprehensive testosterone replacement therapy is $250 per month. To determine if you are a suitable candidate for TRT therapy, we recommend contacting our clinic and scheduling an appointment. 


To learn whether you are suitable for TRT therapy, contact our clinic to schedule an appointment.

Andropause: What is it? How Does it Relate to TRT?


The ‘Male Menopause’


At around 50 years of age, women reach menopause; at this time, their bodies stop producing the hormone estrogen, and an array of frustrating symptoms like night sweats and hot flushes can arise. But did you know that men also deal with hormonal changes as they age?


The ‘male menopause’ equivalent is referred to as andropause. It is characterized by a series of symptoms that are associated with a reduction of testosterone. As a man ages, he produces less testosterone, and TRT can be a beneficial therapy to reduce some symptoms.


Approximately 40% of men over the age of 45 experience low T. If you believe you’re experiencing andropause or low T, book an appointment with Dr. Okojie today for a full assessment and holistic treatment.

Why Okojie Wellness for Low T Treatment?


When most people get their testosterone checked by their doctors, they get a total testosterone reading, while a total testosterone reading is valuable, it doesn't tell the whole story. Total testosterone can give you and your doctor the impression that your T levels are balanced and that you are not suffering from low T. But there is more to the story. 


At Okojie Wellness, we calculate your free testosterone level which gives us the most accurate reading of what your body can use. Free testosterone is the most accurate measurement when diagnosing low T.


Several patients have come to our office saying that their doctor told them that their testosterone level was within the reference range and that their low T symptoms were in their head. Most physicians don't consider free testosterone and consequently, low T never gets treated. We know that increasing both free testosterone and total testosterone leads to the best patient outcomes.


That is our expertise at Okojie Wellness. We look at TRT holistically, and understand that increasing your free and total testosterone affects other hormones and can be influenced by age, genetic predisposition, diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors.


  • What is TRT?
    TRT ultimately makes up for the T that isn’t being produced by your body. TRT treatment can assist men who have low blood concentrations of testosterone and clinical deficiency symptoms. The clinical term for low T is ‘hypogonadism’, which is diagnosed by when the testes do not produce enough testosterone.
  • Am I suitable for TRT?
    Our team can help you to determine your eligibility for testosterone therapy. We’ll conduct a comprehensive assessment that considers your free and total testosterone levels.
  • How long on TRT will I see results?
    Most patients see the benefits of T in three to six weeks. For a personalized treatment timeline, contact our clinic.
  • Is TRT a treatment for andropause?
    Yes. Andropause, also referred to as the ‘male menopause,’ is defined by symptoms caused by low T. TRT is, therefore, an effective treatment for andropause. To find out whether it’s right for you, book an appointment with Dr. Okojie.
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